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Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

Procedures and guidelines

Take a closer look at Public Safety’s procedures and guidelines for a range of topics:

Bias crimes

We are committed to protecting the rights and safety of University community members regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Incidents of harassment or assault will be responded to with seriousness and sensitivity. University policies direct faculty, staff, and students to treat all people with dignity and respect. New York State law also contains special provisions for acts of criminal misconduct “ . . . that manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. . .”.

In general, 如果将特定罪行归类为仇恨犯罪,则在其他方面不符合定义的情况下,可能会增加对该罪行的判刑. For the full text of the statute, which defines special offenses and provides sentencing information, see Section 485 of the New York State Penal Law.

Free speech and peaceful protests

The University of Rochester values freedom of speech as essential to our academic community. Although, as a private institution, the University is not subject to the First Amendment, it is committed, as a matter of policy and academic tradition, to protecting speech and peaceful protest on its campus. 它的建筑和场地经常用于大学赞助的活动,邀请外部演讲者和与会者.

View the full guidelines

Disciplinary/judicial procedures


学生教务长办公室负责处理与性骚扰有关的校园司法程序, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence and stalking in all cases involving students who are accused of such conduct. The Standards of Student Conduct and the Graduate Bulletin outline policies, the disciplinary process, and the penalties. Should an accused student be found responsible for violating the University’s Policy against Discrimination, Harassment, and Discriminatory Employment/Service Practices, he/she is subject to the full range of disciplinary sanctions, up to and including expulsion.


对被发现违反大学政策(如大学的校规校纪)的教职员工的纪律处分程序 Policy against Discrimination, Harassment, and Discriminatory Employment/Service Practices) are controlled by the Faculty Handbook and/or in various Human Resource policies. Corrective discipline for staff also is addressed generally in Human Resources Policy 154.

Entry into and search of premises

Search Guidelines

Searches other than plain view observations are to be conducted only after obtaining consent; at the direction of a senior University official having program authority for the area; in support to a proper search warrant being executed by a law enforcement officer; or, if an exigent circumstance affecting immediate health/life safety risk is noted.


Whenever possible, 他们将与住宿生活和/或学生办公室代表一起进行, unless prohibited by exigent circumstances or for reasons articulated by a law enforcement officer. In cases where a representative is not available or cannot be contacted, other notifications will be made as soon as possible given the event circumstances.

Entry Guidelines

It is the intention of University Public Safety to provide proactive, preventive patrols in public spaces within University residential and leased housing. Public Safety foot patrols of residential areas should be conducted with the goal of promoting the health and safety of the residential community; to provide defense of personal and University property; to provide a visible deterrent and security omnipresence to help repress crime and other behavior deemed unacceptable by the University; to assure that building systems are functioning properly; to ensure adherence to University Policy/Procedures/Sanctions and to cultivate positive attitudes and open avenues of communication with those residing, working and visiting the housing areas.

大学公共安全部的目的是确保所有合理的隐私延伸到居住在大学租赁的房间和公寓的人. When appropriate, 在保安人员进入个别房间或公寓之前,应事先通知房屋居住者. However, 在某些情况下,保安人员有必要在没有通知的情况下进入住房房间和公寓,执行保护或个人安全职责. In addition, 住宿生活工作人员将经常联系公共安全部门,以帮助记录和解决涉嫌或观察到的违反学生行为标准的行为, University Policy or NYS Laws occurring in and around their respective living areas, halls and buildings.


1. Knock loudly on the room or apartment door, clearly announce your identity, 要求居住者允许你进入,如果居住者不回应你的进入请求,说明你的意图.

2. Under all circumstances, 当居住者没有要求开门或邀请公共安全人员进入房屋房间或公寓时,公共安全人员应在进入房间或公寓之前联系并获得公共安全主管的授权.

3. When a decision is made to open a housing room without the occupant’s knowledge or permission, Public Safety staff shall, whenever possible, make contact with a housing staff representative from the list below. 宿舍工作人员将提供帮助,以获得房间钥匙(如需要),并作为进入的证人. 公共安全人员不得在没有证人的情况下进入上锁的房屋房间,除非需要调查迫在眉睫的个人安全问题, serious property concern, or fire/fire alarm investigation (with Public Safety supervisor knowledge and approval).

  • Building Manager
  • Property Management Representative
  • Resident Advisor
  • Community Assistants
  • Area Coordinator
  • Residential Life Director
  • Fraternity House Officer

4. 所有在居住者不知情或未经允许的情况下进入房屋房间的物品必须有适当的记录(病例报告),概述有关事件, persons present, and reason for entry.


The Drug-free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require an institution of higher education, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, to certify that it has adopted and implemented a drug prevention program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees.

Any group, formal or informal, 计划提供酒精饮料的活动必须符合每个校园的主持人培训规定, registering the event, controlling the service of alcohol, service hours, the sale of alcohol, attendance, food and beverage quantities, BYO events, and advertising.

Public Safety staff conduct checks of events to verify that University regulations are being followed.

Officers Will:

1. Conduct three or four random checks of each registered party

2. Complete an Alcohol Checklist for each party verifying and documenting the following:

Access Control

  • Are sponsors proofing/checking IDs at event entry points
  • Are proper wrist bands/hand stamps being applied
  • Are sponsors monitoring and maintaining occupancy limits of event location


  • Are servers actively checking wrist bands and hand stamps before serving patrons
  • Are servers drinking alcohol
  • Are servers being attentive to intoxicated condition of patrons
  • Are patrons passing alcohol to underage individuals after being served
  • Is alcohol being served from locations other than the bar
  • Is hard alcohol being served

Event Safety

  • Are fire exits clear, freely accessible and not obstructed in any manner
  • Are guests behaving in an appropriate manner

General Compliance

  • 活动赞助商的酒精登记表副本是否张贴在吧台后面或提供酒精饮料的地方
  • Is the proper amount of alternative beverage (non-alcoholic soda, punch, etc.) available
  • Is the proper amount of food (cheese, crackers, potato chips, pretzels, etc.) available
  • Has a random ID check of five persons observed consuming alcohol been completed per check

Minor violation of the above listed items that can be corrected will be documented on the Alcohol Check List. Major or repeat violations must be documented on a Public Safety case report and the event shut down.

Alcohol event checklist

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大学致力维持一个安全的环境,以进行教育和十大赌博正规老平台活动. This requires minimizing the risk of injury or death associated with intentional or accidental use of weapons.

Faculty and Staff

No weapons of any type (firearms, BB or pellet guns, double-edged knives, bows and arrows, stun guns, paintball guns and the like) are allowed on University property. If a weapon is discovered, Public Safety staff will confiscate it and turn the item over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Possession could result in arrest, suspension, or expulsion from school, and/or termination of employment.


Students are not permitted to possess or imply possession of a weapon anywhere on property owned, leased or controlled by the University of Rochester. A weapon is any instrument that is used to inflict physical harm, is intended to be used to inflict harm, or could reasonably cause fear of infliction of harm, including any item that may be deemed a weapon under applicable law.

Examples include, but are not limited to: pistols, revolvers, shotguns, rifles, firearms, stun guns, BB or pellet guns, tasers, bows and arrows, and other instruments that launch projectiles, including electric dart guns and paintball guns, as well as parts or ammunition relating to any of the above; martial arts tools, brass knuckles, daggers, swords, and knives (including Swiss Army knives); bombs, grenades, mines, explosives, or incendiary devices (which can include ignition devices and aerosols). A disarmed weapon still counts as a weapon.

就本政策而言,一项物品是否被视为武器的决定将根据有关该物品的拥有和使用的总体情况作出. For example, 用于准备食物的普通菜刀不会被视为与该用途有关的武器. If there are questions about whether a given item counts as a weapon, students should contact the Center for Student Conflict Management for clarification before bringing the item to campus.

Public Safety policies

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Public Safety’s commitment to the highest ethical standards

A number of the University’s internal policies and procedures are directed to its maintenance of order, discipline, and safety on campus, 以及防止损害或危害大学服务或大学社区成员的合法隐私权和自由的活动.

执行这些政策的主要责任被分配给大学的公共安全部门. The department, acting on its own observations or on a report or complaint from other members of the University community, is obliged to initiate inquiries, conduct investigations, give directions, and exercise certain controls.

公共安全人员应始终以符合最高道德标准的方式履行这些职责. 大学员工,特别是公共安全人员不会干涉或侵入私人通信, intercept mail, make wire taps, or encourage any criminal act for purposes of entrapment.

As a part of its responsibility for liaison with public law enforcement agencies, 大学公共安全部门必须向有关政府执法部门报告违法行为或违法证据. 公共安全部门也会要求公共机构在进行搜查或进入私人住所之前出示搜查令或其他法律授权, records, or communications.

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